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Book Spaces, Visitors, Catering and other Resources via Outlook

Outlook is the world's most widely used solution for booking meeting rooms, conference rooms, etc.... Anyone in the organization can easily consult the availability of a room and (with the necessary permissions) also book them.

But it becomes more difficult when catering or other resources need to be ordered as well (then mails or Excel sheets are sent back and forth with a high risk of errors) or visitors need to be registered (same problem). Unfortunately, sometimes last-minute changes (looking for another room or cancellation) break the chain and cause unnecessary costs.

Discover here our integrated solution(on-premise or in the cloud) to book everything within Outlook and where each service provider (facility, catering, IT, reception, ...) has its own login with its daily tasks.

IKANDA solutions for Room & Resource booking

Easily reserve meeting rooms, visitors, catering, IT assistance, etc... via Outlook. Each service provider (catering, IT, reception, ...) receives an up-to-date overview of the orders.

Benefits for Employees

In large offices, it is not always obvious to find the most suitable space again. With our solution you can:

  • Find the location on a floor plan
  • Start filtering by location, categories and capacity
  • Setting Favorites
  • Compare availability of spaces & colleagues
  • Immediately invite visitors
  • Using an order form to order the desired services
  • Booking other resources (parking, workplace, shared car, etc.)

Benefits for Service Providers

No more back and forth email. Track everything in 1 tool:

  • Overview of all orders & their status
  • Visitor List
  • Amend floor plans
  • Customizing menus & prices
  • Assigning roles
  • Resource utilization rate
Cta Module Img

IKANDA provides the necessary tools & insights

Want to know more about this solution?

Discover them below or request a demo.